Minggu, 08 November 2009
KBB #14 : White Bread
Source: The Bread Baker’s Apprentice by Peter Reinhart, 2001, page 265-267
Ingredients .................................................. Baker’s Percentage
Bread flour ........................................................ 100
Salt ..................................................................... 1.8
Granulated sugar ............................................. 7.7
Powdered milk (Dried Milk Solid) ................. 6.2
Instant yeast ..................................................... 1
Egg, slightly beaten at room temperature ....... 7.7
Butter, room temperature ................................. 7.7
Water .................................................................... 62.8
Method :
Mix together the flour, salt, powdered milk, sugar and yeast in a 4-quart bowl (or in the bowl of an electric mixer). Pour in the egg, butter and water and mixt with a large metal spoon (or on low speed of the electric mixer with the paddle attachement) until all the flour is absorbed and the dough forms a ball. If the dough seems very stiff and dry, trickle in more water until the dough is soft and supple.
Sprinkle flour on the counter, transfer the dough to the counter, and begin kneading (or mix on medium speed with the dough hook), adding more flour, if necessary, to create a dough that is soft, supple, and tacky but not sticky. Continue kneading (or mixing) for 6 to 8 minutes. (if the electric mixer, the dough should be clear the side of the bowl but stick ever so slightly to the bottom.) The dough should pass the windowpane test and register 80oF. Lightly oil a large bowl and transfer the dough to the bowl, rolling it to coat it with oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap.
Ferment at room temperature for 1.5 to 2 hours, or until the dough doubles in size (the length of time will depend on the room temperature).
Remove the fermented dough from the bowl and divide it in half for sandwich loaves, into eighteen 2-ounce pieces for dinner rolls, or twelve 3-ounce pieces for burger or hot dog buns. Shape the pieces into boules for loaves or tight rounds for dinner rolls or buns. Mist the dough lightly with spray oil and cover with a towel or plastic wrap. Allow to res for about 20 minutes.
Shaping. For loaves, shape like rolling a Swiss roll but pinch the crease with each rotation to strengthen the surface tension. Pinch the final seam closed with the back edge of your hand or with your thumbs. Lightly oil two 8.5 by 4.5-inch loaf pans and place the loaves in the pans. For rolls and buns, line 2 sheet pans with baking parchment. Rolls require no further shaping. For hot dog buns, shape into a pistolet without tapering the ends. Transfer the rolls or buns to the sheet pans.
Mist the tops of the dough with spray oil and loosely cover with plastic wrap or a towel. Proof the dough at room temperature for 60 to 90 minutes, or until nearly doubles in size.
Preheat the oven to 350oF for loaves or 400oF for rolls and buns. Brush the rolls or buns with the egg wash and garnish with poppy or sesame seeds. Sandwich loaves also may be washed and garnished, or score them down the centre and rub a little vegetable oil into the slit.
Bake the rolls or buns for approximately 15 minutes, or until they are golden brown and register just above 180oF in the centre. Bake loaves for 35 to 45 minutes, rotating 180 degrees halfway through for even baking, if needed. The tops should be golden brown and the sides, when removed from the pan, should be golden. The internal temperature of the loaves should be close to 190oF, and the loaves should sound hollow when thumped on the bottom.
Cooling. When the loaves have finished baking, remove them immediately from the pans and cool on a wire rack for at least 1 hour before slicing or serving. Rolls should cool for at least 15 minutes on a rack before serving.
Rabu, 30 September 2009
KBB#13 : 2nd Anniversary KBB
Seperti pada ulang tahun KBB yang pertama
kali ini juga diadakan perlombaan kreativitas para "pejuang" KBB.
Tema kali ini : Merah putih
Anggota KBB diperbolehkan memilih lomba Baking atau lomba photography.
Aku ikut yang foto-foto aja... soalnya lagi gak ada ide menghias kue-kue... hehehhe
Selasa, 28 Juli 2009
KBB#12 : Savoury Baking
Souffles ... panganan yang berbobot tapi kelihatan ringan. Souffles dapat dihidangkan sebagai desserts atau main dish, baik manis maupun asin. Kali ini tema KBB #12 adalah Savoury Baking.
Tantangan kali ini masuk dalam kategori 'menantang'.
Pembuatan souffles panggang asin/savoury dasarnya selalu dengan mencampur roux, yaitu campuran tepung dan mentega (mirip pembuatan kue sus), lalu ditambah dengan kuning telur, susu dan keju sebagai dasar saus bechamel. Putih telur dikocok tersendiri hingga mencapai volume puncak yang kemudian dicampur ke dalam adonan keju-kuning telur.
Souffle panggang akan mengembang tinggi di oven dan harus dihidangkan SEGERA ;) .
Cheese Souffles
Sumber: The Perfect Cookbook by David Herbert. Penguin Books Australia Ltd 2003.
- 100g unsalted butter / mentega tawar
- ½ cup plain (all-purpose) flour / tepung terigu
- 300ml milk / susu
- 1 cup grated cheddar / cheddar parut
- 2 Tbs / sdM freshly grated parmesan / parmesan parut
- ½ tsp Dijon mustard / mustard Dijon
- pinch cayenne pepper sejumput cayenne pepper
- 4 eggs separated / telur, pisahkan
Directions/Cara Pembuatan:
Preheat the oven to 190C (375F, Gas Mark 5). Grease and lightly flour six ½-cup-capacity souffle dishes.
Panaskan oven suhu 190C (375F, Gas Mark 5). Minyaki/olesi mentega dan taburkan tepung loyang souffle dengan kapasitas ½ cup sebanyak 6 buah.
Melt butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the flour and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Gradually add the milk and whisk continuously over medium heat until the mixture is smooth, thickens and comes to the boil. Allow to cool for 5 minutes.
Lelehkan mentega di panci kecil dengan api kecil. Tambahkan tepung lalu masak sambil diaduk-aduk selama 1 menit. Tambahkan susu sedikit demi sedikit dan whisk terus menerus dengan api sedang hingga adonan lembut, mengental dan mendidih. Biarkan dingin sejenak selama 5 menit.
Transfer the mixture to a bowl and stir in the cheddar, parmesan, mustard and cayenne pepper. Mix well.
Pindahkan adonan ke dalam mangkuk dan masukkan keju cheddar, parmesan, mustard dan cayenne pepper. Aduk rata.
Lightly beat the egg yolks and add these to the cheese mixture. Mix well.
Kocok ringan kuning telur dan masukkan ke dalam adonan keju. Aduk rata.
With an electric mixer, whisk the egg whites in a clean bowl until firm peaks form. Fold a quarter of the whites through the cheese mixture to slacken it slightly, then gently fold through the remaining whites.
Kocok putih telur menggunakan electric mixer hingga mencapai firm peak. Masukkan seperempat adonan putih telur ke dalam adonan keju untuk sedikit 'melemaskan' adonan, lalu masukkan sisanya perlahan.
Spoon the mixture into the prepared dishes and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until risen and golden. Don't be tempted to open the oven until the souffles have risen. Serve immediately.
Sendokkan adonan ke dalam loyang yang sudah disiapkan lalu panggang selama 20-25 menit, atau hingga mengembang naik dan kecoklatan. Jangan tergoda untuk membuka oven sebelum souffles betul-betul sudah mengembang/naik. Hidangkan segera.
Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
KBB#11 : Ontbijtkoek
Bumbu-bumbunya mantap, empuk, manis dan sedaaap...
Tapi koq jadi mengingatkan Christmas time ... hehhehe
Kue-Kue Indonesia ~ Yasa Boga-PT Gramedia Jakarta, 2007
Bahan :
125g gula palem/gula merah
5 kuning telur
3 putih telur
campur rata :
125g tepung terigu
1 sdt peres kayumanis bubuk
½ sdtpala bubuk
¼ sdt cengkih bubuk
Taburan :
50g kenari, iris tipis
Cara :
1. Kocok kuning telur dan putih telur, gula palem sampai kental dan naik.
2. Masukkan campuran tepung ke dalam kocokan telur, aduk rata.
3. Tuang ke dalam loyang roti (loaf) yang sudah dialas dengan lapisan kertas yang sudah diolesi mentega dan ditaburi tepung.
4. Panggang kurang lebih 20 menit (setengah matang). Taburi irisan kenari. Panggang terus sampai matang, angkat. Potong menurut selera.
Jumat, 27 Maret 2009
KBB#10 : Minted Shortbread - Caramel Sauce
Kue kering dicocol Sauce, gak pernah denger khan ?
Cobain nih..
Ada semriwing-nya....
Ada manis-nya...
Ada legit-nya...
Ada wangi-nya...
Cocok jadi pendampingnya teh pahit atau coffee pure...
Here the recipe :
- 100g icing sugar
- 200g flour
- 100g cornflour
- 250g unsalted butter, softened
- 1 vanilla pod, seeds removed and reserved
- 1 sprig mint, chopped
Preheat the oven to 150C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Combine the icing sugar, flours, butter, vanilla seeds and mint in a bowl and mix well. Roll out to about 1cm thick. Cut into 2 x 8cm fingers. Place on the prepared tray and bake for 20-25 minutes, until lightly golden. Cool and store in an airtight container until required. Makes about 30.
- 125g caster sugar
- 2 Tbs water
- 125ml milk
- 250ml cream
- 3 egg yolks
Whisk the sugar into the water in a saucepan. Heat carefully and cook to a golden caramel. Combine milk and cream in a separate saucepan and warm-do not boil. Whisk the milk into the caramel. Cool slightly.
Pour into four ramekins. Bake in a water bath at 160C for 30 minutes or until set. Remove the ramekin, cool then chill. Serves 4.
Resep dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Minted Shortbread Sticks
100g icing sugar
200g tepung terigu
100g maizena
250g mentega tawar, lunakkan (di suhu ruangan)
1 batang vanili, ambil bijinya dan sisihkan
1 batang daun mint, cincang (halus)
Panaskan oven suhu 150C. Alasi loyang dengan baking paper.
Campur icing sugar, semua tepung, mentega, biji vanili dan mint di dalam mangkuk dan aduk rata. Gilas sekitar setebal 1cm. Potong-potong dengan ukuran 2 x 8cm (like fingers). Letakkan ke atas loyang yang sudah dialasi baking paper dan panggang selama 20-25 menit, hingga sedikit kecoklatan (musti diingat, shortbread pada umumnya berwarna pucat). Biarkan dingin dan simpan di dalam wadah kedap udara hingga diperlukan. Untuk 30 potong.
Caramel Pots
125g caster sugar
2 sdM air
125ml susu
250ml krim
3 kuning telur
Campur gula dan air, aduk-aduk hingga rata di dalam panci. Panaskan dengan api kecil saja hingga berwarna coklat karamel. Hangatkan susu dan krim di panci, jangan sampai mendidih. Campur susu ke dalam karamel pelan-pelan, hingga karamel larut. Biarkan dingin sejenak.
Tuang ke dalam 4 buah ramekin. Panggang di dalam water bath dengan suhu 160 °C selama 30 menit atau hingga set. Angkat, biarkan dingin, lalu masukkan ke dalam kulkas untuk didinginkan lebih lanjut.
Untuk 4 porsi.
catatanku :
- Resepnya gampang, rasanya juga mantap, variasi rasa yang bener2 khusus... caramel + mint ?!?!??!
- Sayangnya daun mint kurang terasa jika tidak dibantu dengan mint fondant
- gula karamel tidak larut 100% dalam susu, no problem, sisihkan saja ;)
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
KBB#9 : Puff Pastry
Akhirnyaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... kesampean deh bikin puff pastry.
Hasilnya juga memuaskan, enak, gurih, kriuk dan yang paling penting ...
ber-"layer"... sodara-sodara !!!!
hahhahah... norak banget ya...
Kalau gak ikut KBB, gak bakalan berani bikin yang beginian...
Dan karena hasilnya sukses buuuuanget, bikinnya sampe berkali-kali.
Dimasuk-in freezer, biar gampang kalo mau pamer, tinggal thawing.... hahahhaha
Source: King Arthur Flour 200th Anniversary Cookbook
1 pound (4 cups) unbleached all purposed flour/plain flour (or 3 ½ cups all-purposed/plain flour + ½ cup cornstarch/cornflour) = 454 g
1 pound (4 sticks) unsalted butter : ½ stick chilled, the rest at room temperature = 454 g
1 – 2 tsp salt (1 for sweet, 2 for savory)
1 ¼ cups cold water (or substitute it with 1 Tbs lemon juice for 1 water if you wish to further temper the gluten in the flour) = 310 ml
Convert :
1 pound = 454 gr
1 stick butter = 113,5
1cup air = 250 ml
Measure the flour into a mixing bowl. Remove ½ cup and set it aside in another bowl.
Bowl 1 : 398 g
Bowl 2 : 56 g
Take the half stick of chilled butter, cut it into small pieces and drop it into the flour (Bowl 1). With two knives, a pastry blender or your fingertips, cut or rub the butter into the flour until it resembles cornmeal.
Add the salt (and optional lemon juice) to the water and add this to the flour. Mix gently with a fork until you have a rough dough that pulls away from the sides of the bowl. If you need to add more water, do it a tablespoon at a time until the dough holds together.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until it is smooth and the gluten has been somewhat developed, about 2-3 minutes. Wrap it in plastic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Take the remainder of the butter and the reserved flour (Bowl 2) and mix the two together until they're well blended and smooth. You can do this with a mixer, a food processor or with a spoon, by hand.
Pat this butter/flour mixture into an 8-inch square on a lightly floured piece of waxed paper. Cover it with second sheet of waxed paper and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes. By mixing the butter with flour, you stabilize it somewhat so it won't decide to 'flow'.
Remove the dough (Bowl 1) from the refrigerator and put it on a lightly floured surface. Gently roll it into a square about 12 inches on a side. You don't have to be obsessive about the dimension but be pretty close.
Put the butter square (Bowl 2) in the centre of the dough square but turn it so that the corners of the butter square point toward the sides of the dough square. Fold the corners of the dough over the butter until they meet in the middle. Pinch and seal the edges of the dough together.
Turn the square over and tap it gently with your rolling pin or by hand into a rectangular shape. Rolling the dough into a larger rectangle 20 inches long and 10 inches wide.
When the dough is the right size, fold the bottom third of the dough up to the centre and the top third over and turn the dough package ¼ turn to the right so it looks like a book ready to be opened. If the dough is still nice and cold and still relaxed, do another rolling and turning the same way. (If it begins feel too soft or wants to resist being rolled, cover it, put it on a small baking sheet and refrigerate it for 15 minutes).
If you've successfully rolled it out and folded it twice, you've completed 2 turns. Classic puff pastry gets six. Continue refrigerating it after each 2 turns (or more often if necessary) until all 6 turns are completed.
When all 6 turns are done, put the dough in the refrigerator for at least an hour (and preferable overnight) before shaping.
After being thoroughly chilled, the dough can be shaped into croissants, patty shells, twists, straws, etc. Scraps can be chilled and rerolled.
Like other pastry doughs, you can freeze puff pasty in a non-self defrosting freezer for up to a year if it's well wrapped. It can also be frozen at any time during rolling, folding, turning process. Defrost it thoroughly before you use it, just to make sure it does not get too soft.
Bahasa Indonesia
KBB#9 – Classic Puff Pastry (Pate Feuilletee)
Sumber : King Arthur Flour 200th Anniversary Cookbook
1 pound (4 cups) tepung terigu (atau dengan menggunakan 3 ½ cup tepung terigu dicampur dengan ½ cup tepung maizena)
1 pound (4 sticks) mentega tawar, ½ stick dinginkan, sisanya di suhu ruangan
1 – 2 sdt garam (1 untuk yang manis, 2 untuk asin)
1 ¼ cups air dingin (atau ganti dengan 1 sdM sari jeruk lemon jika diinginkan untuk lebih melunakkan gluten di tepung)
Measure the flour into a mixing bowl. Remove ½ cup and set it aside in another bowl.
Timbanglah tepung di dalam mangkuk mixer. Ambil ½ cup dan sisihkan di dalam mangkuk lainnya.
Gunakan ½ batang mentega yang didinginkan tadi, potong2 kecil2 dan masukkan ke dalam tepung. Menggunakan dua buah pisau, blender (dengan fungsi pastry) atau menggunakan jari-jari anda, potong atau remas-remas mentega ke dalam tepung hingga menyerupai remah-remah roti atau cornmeal.
Tambahkan garam (dan sari jeruk nipis, jika pakai) ke dalam air dan masukkan campuran ini ke dalam tepung terigu. Aduk perlahan memakai garpu hingga adonannya tercampur rata dan tidak melekat di sisi2 mangkuk. Jika masih memerlukan air, tambahkanlah sesendok makan setiap kali penambahan hingga adonan tercampur rata.
Letakkan adonan ke atas permukaan/meja yang sudah ditaburi tepung, dan uleni hingga lembut dan gluten-nya sudah terbentuk, sekitar 2-3 menit. Bungkus dengan plastik dan biarkan dingin di kulkas selama 30 menit.
Ambil sisa mentega dan tepung yang disisihkan tadi, campur keduanya hingga tercampur rata dan lembut. Anda bisa mencampur kedua bahan ini dengan menggunakan mixer, FP atau sendok, tangan.
Campur adonan ini sambil ditepuk-tepuk dan dijadikan segiempat dengan ukuran 8 inci di atas waxed paper yang sudah ditepungi. Tutup dengan selembar waxed paper lagi dan dinginkan di kulkas kurleb 30 menit. Dengan mencampur tepung dan mentega, anda menstabilkan adonan supaya tidak meleleh.
Keluarkan adonan dari kulkas dan letakkan di atas permukaan/meja yang sudah ditepungi. Gilas perlahan ke samping hingga membentuk segiempat kurleb 12 inci. Tidak perlu terlalu obsesif menjadikan adonan berbentuk segiempat tapi setidaknya sudah hampir menyerupai segiempat.
Letakkan balok mentega/tepung tadi di tengah2 adonan yang sudah berbentuk segiempat, sehingga sudut-sudut balok menunjuk ke sisi-sisi adonan tadi. Lipat sudut adonan ke atas balok mentega/tepung sehingga setiap sudut adonan bertemu di satu titik di tengah2nya. Lekatkan sisi-sisi adonan ini satu sama lainnya.
Balikkan adonan segiempat ini dan tepuk2 perlahan menggunakan rolling pin atau tangan membentuk persegi panjang. Gilas adonan hingga membentuk persegi panjang yang lebih lebar dengan ukuran 20 inci ukuran panjang dan 10 inci ukuran lebar.
Jika adonan sudah pada ukuran yang benar, lipat sepertiga adonan bagian bawah ke tengah-tengah adonan, begitu juga sepertiga adonan bagian atas lipat ke arah tengah adonan, kemudian lipat lagi ¼ adonan ke arah kanan, sehingga kelihatan seperti sebuah buku yang siap dibuka. Jika adonan masih bagus dan dingin serta masih relaks, gilas sekali lagi dan lipat seperti tadi. (Jika masih terlalu lunak dan tidak dapat digilas lagi, bungkus/tutup, letakkan ke atas loyang dan dinginkan di kulkas selama 15 menit, sebelum digilas dan dilipat seperti tadi).
Jika anda sudah sukses menggilas dan melipatnya dua kali, berarti anda sudah menyelesaikan 2 turns. Classic puff pastry turn 6 kali. Lanjutkan mendinginkan adonan selama 2 kali turning (atau lebih jika diperlukan—misalnya jika adonan terlalu lembek) hingga 6 turns sudah diselesaikan.
Jika sudah selesai 6 kali turning, letakkan adonan di kulkas dan dinginkan selama sekurang2nya 1 jam hingga semalaman sebelum dibentuk.
Setelah selesai didinginkan, adonan dapat dibentuk menjadi croissants, patty shells, twists, straws, dsb. Sisa2nya dapat didinginkan lagi dan digilas lagi.
Seperti adonan pastry lainnya, puff pastry dapati dibekukan hingga satu tahun jika pengemasannya bagus. Dapat juga dibekukan pada setiap proses manapun (pada proses penggilasan, pelipatan, dan turning). Defrost (biarkan dalam suhu ruangan) dulu sebelum digunakan, hanya saja harus dipastikan jika adonan tidak betul2 menjadi terlalu lunak.